Welcome to the web server of the
Conference : "Around HYperbolic and Kinetic Equations"
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This conference has several purposes :
first and foremost it is the first "annual meeting" of the European research training network HYKE. We will present/discuss/reassess in detail the scientific work programme of HYKE, thus giving a critical overview of the state-of-the-art in "hyperbolic conservation laws" and "kinetic equations". Also, we shall present/discuss/reassess the way the network is working in practice.
On the other hand, the event is open to everyone interested in the scientific field of time dependent partial differential equations and applied mathematics.
Several other EU funded research training networks, the "partner networks" of HYKE, will be (re)presented at the conference.

Members of the HYKE network are in general supposed to use the HYKE "networking money" of their group for travel and accommodation.

A-HYKE will take place at the Technical University of Vienna, Karlsplatz,
entrance : Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10 (see map) 1040 Wien, Austria


Online registration started Nov. 27. !