Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

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Working group on 'Numerical methods for solar simulations'

Location: WPI Seminar Room, 8th floor, Fak.Math. OMP1 Mon, 15. Jan - Thu, 18. Jan 24
MMM c/o Fak. Math U.Wien
Othmar Koch (WPI c/o Fak.Math. UWien)

Talks in the framework of this event

Inmaculada Higueras (Public Univ. of Navarra) WPI Seminar Room, 8th floor, Fak.Math. OMP1 Tue, 16. Jan 24, 13:45
IMplicti-EXplicit time stepping methods for some problems in astrophysics
We consider equations of motion associated to a model in astrophysics. The PDE are firstly semi-discretized in space and subsequently integrated in time by IMplicit-EXplicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta methods constructed to preserve different stability properties. For some simple examples, as well as for the problem of double-diffusive convection, it can be demonstrated that they provide a significant computational advantage over other methods from the literature. Ongoing work continues with the study of implementation issues as well as with the study and construction of robust IMEX schemes for some other problems in astrophysics. This is joint work with O. Koch and F. Kupka.
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2023/2024)
  • Event: Working group on 'Numerical methods for solar simulations' (2024)

Yu Zhang (MMM Univ. Wien and Macau Univ. Science & Technology) WPI Seminar Room, 8th floor, Fak.Math. OMP1 Tue, 16. Jan 24, 14:30
Numerical Methods for Hydrodynamic Simulations and Linear Stability Analysis
In this presentation, three projects are sketched: 1) F-Plane Approximation for Solar Simulation: We introduced the f-plane approximation into the ANTARES code and ran 3-D solar simulation with and without rotation, attempting to analyze how much influence rotation would have on the convection structures. 2) Linear Stability Analysis of an Incompressible Fluid with Vertical Shear in F-plane: Shear instability and GSF instability are two possible sources of extra mixing in stars to explain the differences between theoretical stellar evolution models and observations. We consider an incompressible fluid with vertical shear in f-plane and try to find out what really happens when shear instabilities coexist with GSF instabilities. 3) The Stability Analysis of Polar Cyclones on Saturn and Jupiter: The long-lived cyclones in the polar regions of Jupiter and Saturn have been explored for a long time. We aim to explain the number and location of Jupiter’s circumpolar cyclones and the absence of those on Saturn by linear stability analysis. This is ongoing joint work with O. Koch, F. Kupka and N.J. Mauser.
  • Thematic program: Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2023/2024)
  • Event: Working group on 'Numerical methods for solar simulations' (2024)

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