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Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems"

Location: WPI Seminar Room C 714 Wed, 11. Jul (Opening: 9:00) - Fri, 13. Jul 12
Francois Castella (IRMAR Rennes)
Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o U. Wien)
Florian Mehats (IRMAR Rennes)

Talks in the framework of this event

Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o Uni Wien) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 11. Jul 12, 9:30
"Modeling and simulation of LOw DImensional QUAntum Systems: The LODIQUAS project"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Yong Zhang (WPI) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 11. Jul 12, 11:00
"Numerical Methods and Analysis for the "low dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson Equations" and their Applications"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Francis Nier (CERMICS, Paris) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 11. Jul 12, 14:00
"About the characteristic method"
This is a part of our most recent work achieved with Z. Ammari about bosonic quantum mean field dynamics. When mean field problems are considered, one has to face a transport equation for measures in an infinite dimensional phase-space. Even when the flow is well-defined the standard characteristic method is no more available. One solution (there are other approaches) is given by a probabilistic point of view used in optimal transport.
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Andrea Mantile (Reims) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Wed, 11. Jul 12, 15:30
"Artificial interface conditions in quantum transport models"
In a recent collaboration with F.Nier and A.Faraj, it has been shown that a simple modifcation of the Laplacian through artificial interface conditions allows an alternative approach to the adiabatic evolution of quantum resonances. The use of this modifed framework, may hopefully provide with effective equations for the non-linear dynamics of Schrödinger-Poisson systems in the regime of quantum wells in a semiclassical island. In this perspective, it is important to control the deformations effects introduced on the spectrum and on the time propagator by such interface conditions. In particular we are interested in uniform-in-time estimates of the perturbed semigroup. The main difficulty is due to the non-selfadjont character of our class of operators, involving a lack of accretivity for the corresponding generator of the quantum dynamics. In this framework, a standard approach would only provide with finite-time estimates for the dynamical system. An alternative startegy consists in constructing intertwining operators leading to a dynamical comparison between the modified non-selfadjoint model and the corresponding `physical' Hamiltonian.
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Fanny Delebecque (Toulouse) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 12. Jul 12, 9:45
"Low dimensional models for the transport of a strongly confined electron gas"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Philippe Chartier (INRIA Rennes) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 12. Jul 12, 11:00
"Stroboscopic averaging for the Schrödinger equation"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Kristelle Roidot (SISSA Trieste) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 12. Jul 12, 14:00
"Numerical Study of Asymptotic behavior and Blow up phenomena in NLS equations"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Mechthild Thalhammer (Innsbruck) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 12. Jul 12, 15:15
Adaptive time integration methods for Gross-Pitaevskii equations
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Hans Peter Stimming (WPI Wien) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Thu, 12. Jul 12, 16:00
"Dephasing of coherently split quasi-condensates"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Mohammed Lemou (Rennes) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Fri, 13. Jul 12, 9:30
"On micro-macro numerical schemes for multiscale kinetic and Schrödinger equations"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

Florian Mehats (Rennes) WPI, Seminarroom C 714 Fri, 13. Jul 12, 10:45
"Asymptotic Preserving numerical method for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the semiclassical limit"
  • Thematic program: Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011)
  • Event: Workshop on "Low dimensional Quantum Systems" (2012)

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