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Triple-event Celebration: "20 years Institut CNRS Pauli"

Location: French Embassy / Festsaal TU Wien / Skylounge Uni Wien Fri, 21. Jun (Opening: 10:00) - Fri, 21. Jun 24
At the occasion of the celebration of 20 years of the "Inst. CNRS Pauli" UMI/IRL 2842 du CNRS
we celebrate with a triple event
in the presence of a high level French delegation around PDG CNRS Antoine Petit, Director INP Thierry Dauxois, Director INSMI Christophe Besse
and Nobel laureate Alain Aspect

1) 10h- 13h : Cérémonie + cocktail déjeunatoire (invitation only)
"20 ans Institut CNRS Pauli"
Residence de France

2) 14h30 - 16h : Scientific talk of Alain Aspect + come together with coffee
"From Einstein and Bell to quantum technologies: entanglement in action"
Festsaal TU Wien

3) 18h - 21h : Symposium + Reception (invitation only)
"La mécanique quantique dans tous ses états"
SkyLounge Uni Wien
Inst. CNRS Pauli
French embassy / Inst. Francais
TU Wien
Norbert J Mauser (WPI & ICP c/o U.Wien)
Thorsten Schumm (WPI & ICP c/o TU Wien)
Robin Kaiser (WPI c/o CNRS Inst.Physique Nice)
Peter A Markowich (KAUST)
Frédéric Joureau (French embassy)
Nina Grisot (Inst. Francais - French embassy)
Philippe Sutter (Inst. Francais - French embassy)

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