Adzic, Natasa |
Project Likos
, Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) |
local address
Afanasiev, Ievgenii |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Alagiannis, Ioannis |
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) |
local address
Andrieieva, Oksana |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Angyan, Janos |
local address
Athanassoulis, Agissilaos |
Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) |
local address
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) |
local address
Baldi, Paolo |
Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) |
local address
Bao, Weizhu |
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2010, Prolongation from 2009) |
local address
Barannyk, Oleksandr |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Bardos, Claude |
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Benco, Lubomir |
local address
Besse, Nicolas |
Nonlinear Waves (2004) |
local address
Blanchet, Adrien |
, Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) |
local address
Bogatyrenko , Sergiy |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Bolotov , Dmytro |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Bonforte, Matteo |
Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) |
local address
Bourgade, Jean Pierre |
Scientific Computing (2005) |
local address
Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) |
local address
Brock, Jürgen Bazon |
Logic and Informatics (2022/2023) |
local address
Buravtseva, Lubov |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Calogero, Simone |
Nonlinear Waves (2004) |
local address
Camargo, Manuel |
Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) |
local address
Carles, Remi |
Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) |
local address
Dispersive nonlinear longwave PDE's and applications in physics (2007) |
local address
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) |
local address
Carrizo Molino, Norma Ivana |
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) |
local address
Chalub, Fabio |
Mathematical Biology (2004) |
local address
Cheremnykh, Oleg |
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) |
local address
Cherpak, Mykola |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Chew, Leroy |
Logic and Computer Science (2020/2021) |
local address
Cuesta, Carlota |
FWF Schmeiser
local address
Dambrine, Julien |
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2018/2019) |
local address
De Bruijn, Jos |
Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling (2007) |
local address
Databases and Ontologies in Advanced Information Systems (2009) |
local address
Demydenko, Yurii |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
(Quantum) Wave equations (2022/2023) |
local address
Diachenko, Mykhailo |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
DiFrancesco, Marco |
Nonlinear Analysis (2005) |
local address
Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) |
local address
Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) |
local address
Dolak-Struss, Yasmin |
WWTF Schmeiser
local address
Dolak-Struß, Yasmin |
Multiscale Modeling in Cell Biology (2006) |
local address
Dudnikova, Tatiana |
FWF Mauser
local address
Nonlinear Waves (2004) |
local address
Eichler, Andreas |
local address
Exl, Priv.-Doz. Dr., Lukas |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Faganello, Matteo |
Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) |
local address
Faraj, Ali |
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2010, Prolongation from 2009) |
local address
Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) |
local address
Fardygola, Larysa |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Fardygola, Larysa |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Farina, Alberto |
Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) |
local address
Fellner, Klemens |
WWTF Schmeiser
local address
Multiscale Modeling in Cell Biology (2006) |
local address
Filipkovska, Mariia |
Computer Science and Logic (2021/2022) |
local address
Glamazda, Olexander |
Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) |
local address
Gosse, Laurent |
Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
Gottlieb, Dr., Alexander |
START Mauser
local address
Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) |
local address
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) |
local address
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) |
local address
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) |
local address
WWTF Correlation
, Correlation and quantum physics (2008) |
local address
WWTF Correlation
, Confined Quantum Systems (2011) |
local address
Tailored Quantum Materials (2012) |
local address
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) |
local address
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) |
local address
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) |
local address
Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) |
local address
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2017/2018) |
local address
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2018/2019) |
local address
Computing and Data (2019/2020) |
local address
Greenberg, James |
Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) |
local address
Grond, Julian |
WWTF Correlation
, Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) |
local address
Gross, Hardy |
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Gueritaud, Francois |
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2015/2016 (fellows 2015/2016) |
local address
Gurvich, Vladimir |
P17222-N04 (FWF)
, Fundamentals of Queries and Data Exchange (2005) |
local address
Hafner, Roland |
local address
Hakobyan, Aram |
Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
Hammerling, Robert |
WWTF Mauser
, co-organiser of TDDFT thematic program
, Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) |
local address
Heitzinger, Clemens |
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) |
local address
Helm, Barbara |
Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) |
local address
Hermann, Nicolas |
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2016/2017) |
local address
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2018/2019) |
local address
Herzog, Marcus |
local address
Highcock, Edmund |
Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) |
local address
Hirschl, Robin |
local address
Hrechko, Yaroslav |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Husby, Arlid |
Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) |
local address
Imaikin, Valery |
FWF Mauser
local address
Nonlinear Waves (2004) |
local address
Iskakov, Alexey |
Conceptual Aspects of Turbulence (2007) |
local address
Jabin, Pierre Emmanuel |
Mathematical Biology (2004) |
local address
Jahnatek, Michal |
Density functional theory and Material Science (2007) |
local address
Kaiser, Robin |
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Kartashov, Daniil |
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) |
local address
Kazakov, Georgy |
Correlation and quantum physics (2008) |
local address
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) |
local address
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Khalina, Kateryna |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Kirsch, Michael |
local address
Koch, Christoph |
local address
Komech, Alexander |
Nonlinear Analysis (2005) |
local address
Konchatnyi, Mykhailo |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Kopilova, Elena |
START Mauser
local address
Nonlinear Waves (2004) |
local address
Kosminska, Yuliia |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Kosogor, Anna |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Kostenko, Oleksii |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Kotlyarov, Volodymyr |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Krajci, Marian |
local address
Kravchenko, Yulia |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Kurnosov, Mykyta |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Kurnosov, Volodymyr |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Kuzmik, Jan |
START Projekt Vassil Palankovski
, Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2010) |
local address
START Projekt Vassil Palankovski
, Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2011, Prolongation from 2010) |
local address
Kuznietsov, Pylyp |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Le Kien, Pham |
, Relativity, Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Singularities (2012) |
local address
Le Kien, Pham |
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) |
local address
Le Treust, Loic |
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) |
local address
Lehenkyi, Maksym |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Leveque, Camille |
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Lisini, Stefano |
Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) |
local address
Liu , Liu |
Computing and Data (2019/2020) |
local address
Lode, Axel U. J. |
, PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Lörincszi, Jozsef (Senior Researcher) |
At the Interface of PDE, Self-Adjoint Operators and Stochastics: Models with Exclusion (2006) |
local address
Lombardi, Ariel |
Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) |
local address
Los, Viktor |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Majer, Johannes |
ERC Schmiedmayer
, Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) |
local address
Maksymenko, Oleksandr |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
(Quantum) Wave equations (2022/2023) |
local address
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) |
local address
Mantile, Andrea |
, Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2020/2021) |
local address
Markomanolis, George |
Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) |
local address
Markomanolis, George |
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) |
local address
Marsman, Martijn |
local address
Matthews, Richard |
, Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) |
local address
Matveev, Vladimir |
PDE methods in mathematical finance (2008) |
local address
Mazets, Dr., Igor |
, Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) |
local address
Mazur, Olga |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Medina Moreno, Jesus |
Structural aspects of problem solving (2013) |
local address
Mehats, Florian |
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) |
local address
Melkov, Gennadii |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Mennemann, Dr., Jan-Frederik |
, PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Menshykova, Svitlana |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Milisic, Vuk |
, Cell movement and cell transport (2009) |
local address
Cell movement and cell transport (2010, Prolongation from 2009) |
local address
Miljanovic, Vera |
Scientific Computing (2005) |
local address
Miroshnychenko, Dmitri |
Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) |
local address
Cell movement and cell transport (2010, Prolongation from 2009) |
local address
Mohamed, Ez Zazzaq |
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2023/2024) |
local address
Moskvitina, Yuliya |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Müller, Gernot |
The interplay between Financial and Insurance Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics (2010, Prolongation from 2009) |
local address
Muite, Benson |
Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011) |
local address
Musliu, Nysret |
local address
Mychak, Anton |
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) |
local address
Myronyuk , Margaryta |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Nikolaievska, Olena |
Computer Science and Logic (2021/2022) |
local address
Novak, Ekaterina |
Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) |
local address
Numata, Ryusuke |
Gyrokinetics for ITER (2009) |
local address
Odnodvorets, Larysa |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Ölz, Dietmar |
Mathematical models in Biology and Medicine (2018/2019) |
local address
Oelz, Dietmar |
Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) |
local address
Pallard, Christophe |
Nonlinear Analysis (2005) |
local address
Pashitskii , Ernst |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Pasko, Olha |
Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) |
local address
Pawilowski, Boris |
, Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) |
local address
Pazukha, Iryna |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Pelanti, Marica |
Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) |
local address
Peschanskii, Alexei |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Pimentel, Elaine |
Logic and Complexity (2015/2016) |
local address
Piovano, Paolo |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Piryatinskaya, Valeriya |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) |
local address
Plunk, Gabriel |
Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence (2008) |
local address
Pogossyan, Michael |
Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
Roik, Oleksandr |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Rozenbush, Vira |
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) |
local address
Ryazanova, Olga |
Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) |
local address
Ryazanova, Olga |
Numercial models in Biology and Medicine (2023/2024) |
local address
Rybin, Oleg |
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) |
local address
Sanchez Romero, Dr., Pedro Antonio |
Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) |
local address
Sebastian, Huissmann |
, Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) |
local address
Seres, Enikoe |
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Sfakianakis, Nikolaos |
, Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) |
local address
Shabelnyk, Yurii |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Shahgholian, Henrik |
, Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
Shepelskiy, Dmytro |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Shevchenko, Serhii |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Shklovskiy, Valeriy |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Shkurdoda , Yurii |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Shkurdoda, Yurii |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) |
local address
Shpetnyy, Ihor |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Shugailo, Olena |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Shumakova, Nataliia |
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Shvachko , Lyudmyla P. |
Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) |
local address
Sierra Nunez, Jesus |
Mathematical methods for many body physics (2018/2019) |
local address
Slavin, Victor |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) |
local address
Slivovsky, Friedrich |
FWF Projekt Szeider
, Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) |
local address
Smirnova, Tatiana |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Sokol, Karyna |
Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) |
local address
Sparber, Christof |
Wittgenstein Markowich
local address
Spisak, Daniel |
local address
Steckel, Janice |
local address
Stimming, Hans Peter |
START Mauser
local address
Nanoscience (2004) |
local address
WWTF Mauser
, Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) |
local address
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) |
local address
Tang, Qinglin |
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) |
local address
Tao, Liang |
Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) |
local address
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) |
local address
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) |
local address
Tatsuno, Tomoya |
Gyrokinetics for ITER (2009) |
local address
Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) |
local address
Teismann, Holger |
Control of (2008) |
local address
Teselko , Petro |
Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) |
local address
Tesi, Matteo |
Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) |
local address
Trabelsi, Saber |
Kinetic Transport Theory: Analysis and Applications (2011) |
local address
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) |
local address
Tripathy, Mukta |
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) |
local address
Tsatsos, Marios |
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Tumpach, Barbara |
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2015/2016 (fellows 2015/2016) |
local address
Usenko, Eugenia |
Numercial models in Biology and Medicine (2023/2024) |
local address
Vasicek, Martin-Thomas |
ÖAW Heitzinger
local address
Vavilova , Iryna |
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) |
local address
Wang, Lixia |
ÖAW Stipendium
, Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2010) |
local address
Weiss, Bettina |
START Schmid
local address
Wen, Xin |
, Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) |
local address
Wu, Ru Gway |
Project Schmiedmayer + SEQUEX
, PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Zhang, Yong |
, PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) |
local address
Zhigun, Anna |
PDE-Models in Biology (2013) |
local address
PDE models in biology (2014) |
local address
Zhylenko, Tetiana |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Zocco, Alessandro |
Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence (2008) |
local address
Zviahina, Halyna |
Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) |
local address
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) |
local address
Zvyagina, Galina |
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) |
local address