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Adzic, Natasa Project Likos , Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) local address 
Afanasiev, Ievgenii Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Alagiannis, Ioannis Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) local address 
Andrieieva, Oksana Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Angyan, Janos Hafner local address 
Athanassoulis, Agissilaos Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) local address 
Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) local address 
Baldi, Paolo Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Bao, Weizhu Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2010, Prolongation from 2009) local address 
Barannyk, Oleksandr Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Bardos, Claude Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Benco, Lubomir Hafner local address 
Besse, Nicolas Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Blanchet, Adrien WK , Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Bogatyrenko , Sergiy Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Bolotov , Dmytro Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Bonforte, Matteo Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Bourgade, Jean Pierre Scientific Computing (2005) local address 
Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) local address 
Brock, Jürgen Bazon Logic and Informatics (2022/2023) local address 
Buravtseva, Lubov Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Calogero, Simone Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Camargo, Manuel Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) local address 
Carles, Remi Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) local address 
Dispersive nonlinear longwave PDE's and applications in physics (2007) local address 
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Carrizo Molino, Norma Ivana Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) local address 
Chalub, Fabio Mathematical Biology (2004) local address 
Cheremnykh, Oleg Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) local address 
Cherpak, Mykola Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Chew, Leroy Logic and Computer Science (2020/2021) local address 
Cuesta, Carlota FWF Schmeiser local address 
Dambrine, Julien Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2018/2019) local address 
De Bruijn, Jos Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling (2007) local address 
Databases and Ontologies in Advanced Information Systems (2009) local address 
Demydenko, Yurii Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
(Quantum) Wave equations (2022/2023) local address 
Diachenko, Mykhailo Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
DiFrancesco, Marco Nonlinear Analysis (2005) local address 
Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) local address 
Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Dolak-Struss, Yasmin WWTF Schmeiser local address 
Dolak-Struß, Yasmin Multiscale Modeling in Cell Biology (2006) local address 
Dudnikova, Tatiana FWF Mauser local address 
Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Eichler, Andreas Hafner local address 
Exl, Priv.-Doz. Dr., Lukas Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Faganello, Matteo Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) local address 
Faraj, Ali Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2010, Prolongation from 2009) local address 
Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) local address 
Fardygola, Larysa Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Fardygola, Larysa Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Farina, Alberto Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) local address 
Fellner, Klemens WWTF Schmeiser local address 
Multiscale Modeling in Cell Biology (2006) local address 
Filipkovska, Mariia Computer Science and Logic (2021/2022) local address 
Glamazda, Olexander Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Gosse, Laurent Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Gottlieb, Dr., Alexander START Mauser local address 
Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
WWTF Correlation , Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
WWTF Correlation , Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Tailored Quantum Materials (2012) local address 
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) local address 
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) local address 
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) local address 
Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) local address 
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2017/2018) local address 
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2018/2019) local address 
Computing and Data (2019/2020) local address 
Greenberg, James Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Grond, Julian WWTF Correlation , Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) local address 
Gross, Hardy Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Gueritaud, Francois Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2015/2016 (fellows 2015/2016) local address 
Gurvich, Vladimir P17222-N04 (FWF) , Fundamentals of Queries and Data Exchange (2005) local address 
Hafner, Roland Hafner local address 
Hakobyan, Aram Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Hammerling, Robert WWTF Mauser , co-organiser of TDDFT thematic program , Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Heitzinger, Clemens Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Helm, Barbara Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Hermann, Nicolas Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2016/2017) local address 
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2018/2019) local address 
Herzog, Marcus WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Highcock, Edmund Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) local address 
Hirschl, Robin Hafner local address 
Hrechko, Yaroslav Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Husby, Arlid Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Imaikin, Valery FWF Mauser local address 
Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Iskakov, Alexey Conceptual Aspects of Turbulence (2007) local address 
Jabin, Pierre Emmanuel Mathematical Biology (2004) local address 
Jahnatek, Michal Density functional theory and Material Science (2007) local address 
Kaiser, Robin Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Kartashov, Daniil Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Kazakov, Georgy Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) local address 
Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Khalina, Kateryna Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Kirsch, Michael WITTGENSTEIN Mauser local address 
Koch, Christoph WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Komech, Alexander Nonlinear Analysis (2005) local address 
Konchatnyi, Mykhailo Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Kopilova, Elena START Mauser local address 
Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Kosminska, Yuliia Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Kosogor, Anna Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Kostenko, Oleksii Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Kotlyarov, Volodymyr Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Krajci, Marian Hafner local address 
Kravchenko, Yulia Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Kurnosov, Mykyta Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Kurnosov, Volodymyr Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Kuzmik, Jan START Projekt Vassil Palankovski , Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2010) local address 
START Projekt Vassil Palankovski , Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2011, Prolongation from 2010) local address 
Kuznietsov, Pylyp Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Le Kien, Pham TU Wien/ATI , Relativity, Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Singularities (2012) local address 
Le Kien, Pham Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) local address 
Le Treust, Loic Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) local address 
Lehenkyi, Maksym Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Leveque, Camille PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Lisini, Stefano Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Liu , Liu Computing and Data (2019/2020) local address 
Lode, Axel U. J. SEQUEX , PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Lörincszi, Jozsef (Senior Researcher) At the Interface of PDE, Self-Adjoint Operators and Stochastics: Models with Exclusion (2006) local address 
Lombardi, Ariel Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) local address 
Los, Viktor Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Majer, Johannes ERC Schmiedmayer , Classical and Quantum Transport (2016/2017) local address 
Maksymenko, Oleksandr Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
(Quantum) Wave equations (2022/2023) local address 
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Mantile, Andrea CNRS , Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2020/2021) local address 
Markomanolis, George Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) local address 
Markomanolis, George Applied Analysis and Fast Computation in Phase-Space (2008) local address 
Marsman, Martijn Hafner local address 
Matthews, Richard CMS , Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) local address 
Matveev, Vladimir PDE methods in mathematical finance (2008) local address 
Mazets, Dr., Igor WWTF Nano , Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) local address 
Mazur, Olga Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Medina Moreno, Jesus Structural aspects of problem solving (2013) local address 
Mehats, Florian Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) local address 
Melkov, Gennadii Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Mennemann, Dr., Jan-Frederik SEQUEX , PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Menshykova, Svitlana Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Milisic, Vuk CNRS , Cell movement and cell transport (2009) local address 
Cell movement and cell transport (2010, Prolongation from 2009) local address 
Miljanovic, Vera Scientific Computing (2005) local address 
Miroshnychenko, Dmitri Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Cell movement and cell transport (2010, Prolongation from 2009) local address 
Mohamed, Ez Zazzaq Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2023/2024) local address 
Moskvitina, Yuliya Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Müller, Gernot The interplay between Financial and Insurance Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics (2010, Prolongation from 2009) local address 
Muite, Benson Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011) local address 
Musliu, Nysret WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Mychak, Anton Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) local address 
Myronyuk , Margaryta Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Nikolaievska, Olena Computer Science and Logic (2021/2022) local address 
Novak, Ekaterina Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) local address 
Numata, Ryusuke Gyrokinetics for ITER (2009) local address 
Odnodvorets, Larysa Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Ölz, Dietmar Mathematical models in Biology and Medicine (2018/2019) local address 
Oelz, Dietmar Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Pallard, Christophe Nonlinear Analysis (2005) local address 
Pashitskii , Ernst Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Pasko, Olha Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Pawilowski, Boris LODIQUAS , Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) local address 
Pazukha, Iryna Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Pelanti, Marica Numerical Methods for the Solutions of PDEs (2006) local address 
Peschanskii, Alexei Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Pimentel, Elaine Logic and Complexity (2015/2016) local address 
Piovano, Paolo Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Piryatinskaya, Valeriya Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) local address 
Plunk, Gabriel Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence (2008) local address 
Pogossyan, Michael Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Roik, Oleksandr Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Rozenbush, Vira Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) local address 
Ryazanova, Olga Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) local address 
Ryazanova, Olga Numercial models in Biology and Medicine (2023/2024) local address 
Rybin, Oleg Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Sanchez Romero, Dr., Pedro Antonio Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) local address 
Sebastian, Huissmann CMS , Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) local address 
Seres, Enikoe Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Sfakianakis, Nikolaos DEASE , Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Shabelnyk, Yurii Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Shahgholian, Henrik Nanoscience , Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Shepelskiy, Dmytro Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Shevchenko, Serhii Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Shklovskiy, Valeriy Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Shkurdoda , Yurii Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Shkurdoda, Yurii Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Shpetnyy, Ihor Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Shugailo, Olena Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Shumakova, Nataliia Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Shvachko , Lyudmyla P. Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) local address 
Sierra Nunez, Jesus Mathematical methods for many body physics (2018/2019) local address 
Slavin, Victor Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Slivovsky, Friedrich FWF Projekt Szeider , Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Smirnova, Tatiana Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Sokol, Karyna Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Sparber, Christof Wittgenstein Markowich local address 
Spisak, Daniel Hafner local address 
Steckel, Janice Hafner local address 
Stimming, Hans Peter START Mauser local address 
Nanoscience (2004) local address 
WWTF Mauser , Time-dependent density functional theory (2005) local address 
Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Tang, Qinglin Dynamic Wave Functions 2013 (2013) local address 
Tao, Liang Quantum thermodynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems (2010) local address 
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Tatsuno, Tomoya Gyrokinetics for ITER (2009) local address 
Gyrokinetics for ITER—II (2010) local address 
Teismann, Holger Control of (2008) local address 
Teselko , Petro Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Tesi, Matteo Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) local address 
Trabelsi, Saber Kinetic Transport Theory: Analysis and Applications (2011) local address 
Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Tripathy, Mukta PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Mathematics for Materials and Micromagnetism (2018/2019) local address 
Tsatsos, Marios PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Tumpach, Barbara Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2015/2016 (fellows 2015/2016) local address 
Usenko, Eugenia Numercial models in Biology and Medicine (2023/2024) local address 
Vasicek, Martin-Thomas ÖAW Heitzinger local address 
Vavilova , Iryna Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) local address 
Wang, Lixia ÖAW Stipendium , Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructures in biology and physics (2010) local address 
Weiss, Bettina START Schmid local address 
Wen, Xin START , Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) local address 
Wu, Ru Gway Project Schmiedmayer + SEQUEX , PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Zhang, Yong FWF Projekt ZHANG , PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Zhigun, Anna PDE-Models in Biology (2013) local address 
PDE models in biology (2014) local address 
Zhylenko, Tetiana Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Zocco, Alessandro Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence (2008) local address 
Zviahina, Halyna Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) local address 
Zvyagina, Galina Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 

Pauli PostDocs

Aki, Gonca Lütfiye WWTF Nano , Phase-Space methods in signal processing and quantum mechanics (2009) local address 
Anguige, Keith Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Cell movement and cell transport (2009) local address 
Athanassoulis, Agissilaos Adaptive numerical methods and simulation of PDEs (2007) local address 
Giesriegl, Ariane Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Gueritaud, Francois Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2011/2012 (fellows 2011/2012) local address 
Heitzinger, Clemens Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Jacquemard, Alain Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2011/2012 (fellows 2011/2012) local address 
Kazakov, Georgy ATI , Tailored Quantum Materials (2012) local address 
Milisic, Vuk Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Miroshnychenko, Dmitri Cell movement and cell transport (2009) local address 
Möller, Jakob Quantum Mechanics (2023/2024) local address 
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Mostarac, Deniz Numercial models in Biology and Medicine (2023/2024) local address 
Müller, Sandra Logic and Informatics (2024/2025) local address 
Perrin, Aurélien ab 1.7. WWTF correlation , Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) local address 
Roidot, Kristelle UNI VIENNA & FWF LODIQUAS , Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011) local address 
Stimming, Hans Peter Univ. Vienna , Tailored Quantum Materials (2012) local address 
Trabelsi, Saber WWTF Nano , Control of (2008) local address 
Complexity features in fluid flows (2009) local address 
Vago, Gioia Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli 2011/2012 (fellows 2011/2012) local address 
Zhang, Yong FWF LODIQUAS , Confined Quantum Systems (2012, Prolongation from 2011) local address 
Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2014) local address 
LODIQUAS , Blow-up and Dispersion in nonlinear Schrödinger and Wave equations (2015/2016) local address 

Pauli Scholars

Hassan, Tamir Prolongation 2008 , Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling / Continuation from 2007 (2008) local address 
Manz, Stephanie Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
Naumann, Harald Prolongation 2008 , Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling / Continuation from 2007 (2008) local address 
Rozplokhas, Dmitry Logic and Informatics (2024/2025) local address 
Schichl, Konstanze Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) local address 
Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2022/2023) local address 
Simkus, Mantas Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling (2007) local address 

Former PostDocs

Antonini, Christophe HYKE Mauser , Postdoc (ATER) local address 
Berthelin, Florent HYKE Mauser (now MdC. in Nice, France) local address 
Chalub, Fabio WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Lagoutiere, Frederic START Mauser (now MdC. in Paris 6, France) local address 
Li, Hailiang WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Prianichnikova, Anna WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Selberg, Sigmund START Mauser (now Assoc. Prof. in Trondheim, Norway) local address 
Uprety, Kedar Nath ÖAD Schmeiser local address 
Wang, Shu WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Wechselberger, Martin START Szmolyan local address 
Zhang, Prof. Kaijun START Mauser (now Full Prof. at Jilin Univ, China) local address 
Zhang, Prof. Ping START Mauser (now Ass Prof. at Academy of Science, Beijing, China) local address 
Zhiqing, Han ÖAD Schmeiser local address 

PhD students

Aki, Gonca Lütfiye Stationary and Time Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equations (2006) local address 
Alvarenga, Deborah TU Vienna , (2009) local address 
Alvarez Martinez, Maria Milagros Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Amit, Mohan WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Antonelli, Paolo Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Baghumyan, Anna Computer Science and Logic (2021/2022) local address 
Logic and Informatics (2022/2023) local address 
Barth, Raimund Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Bjedov, Linda Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Bleeker, Maarten Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Boatti, Elisa Crystals, Polymers, Materials (2014) local address 
Bosevska, Ivana Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) local address 
Logic and Informatics (2024/2025) local address 
Bouisset, Clement Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Bucko, Tomas WK Hafner local address 
Bulla, Martin Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Bulyha, Alena Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Caldiroli, Andrea Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2020/2021) local address 
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2024/2025) local address 
Calvez, Vincent Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Caravenna, Laura Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Cardinal, David Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Carranza Cisneros, Angeles Informatics and Logic (2019/2020) local address 
Cervone, Cristina Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Cohen, Sophie Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2022/2023) local address 
Dao Tran, Minh Prolongation 2008 , Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling / Continuation from 2007 (2008) local address 
De Grandi, Claudia Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
Di Cosmo, Francesco Efficient Solution Methods for Hard Problems (2016/2017) local address 
Diaz Prado, José Aldo Semi-Structured Data (2004) local address 
Dolhov-Hordiichuk, Serhii Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Donadello, Carlotta Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Dubay, Orest WK Hafner local address 
El-Kaouni, Yassine Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2018/2019) local address 
Fellows of the Institut CNRS Pauli (fellows 2019/2020) local address 
Esmaeili, Habib The interplay between Financial and Insurance Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics (2009) local address 
Fagiani, Stefano Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Fermanian, Adeline INRIA , Models in Biology and Medicine (2016/2017) local address 
Futschek, Tanja WK Hafner local address 
Gajdos, Marek WK Hafner local address 
Gallego, Samy Semiconductor Photonic Nano-Structures (2006) local address 
Ganzow, Tobias Ph.D. Student , Fundamentals of Queries and Data Exchange (2005) local address 
Gattringer, Thomas WITTGENSTEIN Gottlob local address 
Gloyer, Matteo Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Gridling, Günther START Schmid local address 
Grytsyna, Viktor Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Gulisano, Francesca Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Gutleb, Timon Mathematical methods for many body physics (2018/2019) local address 
Haböck, Ulrich WITTGENSTEIN Schachermayer local address 
Hader, Thomas Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) local address 
Hamalii , Volodymyr Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Harbuz , Dmytro Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Haskovec, Jan WK Schmeiser local address 
Herbst-Kiss, Gabor Imre Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2022/2023) local address 
Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2023/2024) local address 
Khomenko, Dmytro Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2021/2022) local address 
Korchemna, Viktoriia Informatics and Logic (2019/2020) local address 
Koriukina, Viktoriia Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Kuznetsova, Kateryna Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Kuznetsova, Kateryna Quantitative Methods in Biology and Medicine (2021/2022) local address 
Lenz, Dominic Coarse-Graining Strategies for Polymers and Biopolymers (2011) local address 
Lohwasser, Michael WK Schmeiser local address 
Longo, Davide Mario Efficient Solution Methods for Hard Problems (2016/2017) local address 
Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Lupetti, Mattia Confined Quantum Systems (2011) local address 
Mallet, Alfred Fusion and Turbulence (2012) local address 
Turbulence and Fusion (2013) local address 
Marnette, Bruno Data and Knowledge Bases (2006) local address 
Melville, Scott Turbulence and Fusion (2013) local address 
Miklos, Zoltan Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling (2007) local address 
Milligan, Nicole Foundations of Knowledge and Information Handling (2007) local address 
Mugdan, Esther Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) local address 
Mykhaylov, Mykhaylo Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Natile, Luca Optimal transportation structures, gradient flows and entropy methods for Applied PDEs (2007) local address 
Ölz, Dietmar WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
WK Schmeiser local address 
Palmero Cruz, Norma Caridad Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2022/2023) local address 
Panadero, Raquel Computer Science and Logic (2023/2024) local address 
Pani, Thomas Projekt Weissenbacher , Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Peitl, Tomas FWF Projekt Szeider , Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Perez, Daniel Control of (2008) local address 
Perusse, Dennis Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
Correlation and quantum physics (2008) local address 
WWTF Correlation , Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) local address 
Quantum many-body systems and NLS approximations: experiments and simulations (2009) local address 
Pietschmann, Jan-Frederik Dispersive nonlinear longwave PDE's and applications in physics (2007) local address 
Polo, Manu Modelling reproductive tactics of birds (2015/2016) local address 
Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Raoul, Gael Motility: from the molecular to the population scale (2008) local address 
Reis Alvarenga, Deborah Quantum Semiconductor Structures (2007) local address 
Rietdijk, Marielle Efficient Solution Methods for Hard Problems (2016/2017) local address 
Logic, Data, Advanced Information systems (2017/2018) local address 
Rohrbach, Andrian WK Hafner local address 
Roshchupkin, Anton Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Rylova, Anastasiia Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2024/2025) local address 
Schöll, Eva Maria Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Biological Aging in animal populations (2013) local address 
Modelling reproductive tactics of birds (2015/2016) local address 
Schönlieb, Carola WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Schönlieb, Carola Wittgenstein Markowich local address 
Soreff, Alexander FWF Schmeiser local address 
Stadtmann, Sven Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2010) local address 
Stimming, Caroline Scientific Computing and Machine Learning (2024/2025) local address 
Straka, Marcel WITTGENSTEIN Schachermayer local address 
Tagliavini, Agnese U.Tübingen , PDEs in quantum physics, materials and micromagnetism (2017/2018) local address 
Tahir, Wjeeha Data and Knowledge Bases (2006) local address 
Tang, Qinglin Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with nontrivial boundary conditions : analysis, applications and numerics (2010) local address 
Tarquini, Emilien Nonlinear Analysis (2005) local address 
Taubmann, Julia Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Thallner, Bernd START Schmid local address 
Tkachova, Tetiana Quantum Equations and Experiments (2021/2022) local address 
Trabelsi, Saber WK Schmeiser , Nanoscience (2004) local address 
Varava, Yuliia Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025) local address 
Vasiukhno, Mykola Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Verjans, Ester Modelling of trophic interactions under climate fluctuations (2008) local address 
Veza, Tanja WITTGENSTEIN Schachermayer local address 
Volkova , Yuliia Mathematics, Magnetism, Materials (2021/2022) local address 
Wang, Zhian Multiscale Modeling in Cell Biology (2006) local address 
Wunsch, Marcus WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Xiao, Guohui Databases and Ontologies in Advanced Information Systems (2009) local address 
Yao, Yu TU Vienna , (2009) local address 
Yermakov, Maksym Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Numerical Modelling of Quantum Experiments (2024/2025) local address 
Yevdokymenko, Vladyslav Mathematics – Magnetism - Materials (2023/2024) local address 
Zappacosta, Stefano Nonlinear Waves (2004) local address 
Zhang, Yong Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with nontrivial boundary conditions : analysis, applications and numerics (2010) local address 
Zhang, Yu FWF , Models in Plasmas, Earth and Space Science (2023/2024) local address 

Former PhD students

Brandt, Hannelore WK Schmeiser local address 
Dolak-Struss, Yasmin WK Schmeiser local address 
Fellner, Klemens WK Schmeiser local address 
Haiden, Nina WITTGENSTEIN Markowich local address 
Huber, Astrid START Szmolyan local address 
Mayorga, Juan WK Schmeiser local address 
Miljanovic, Vera WK Schmeiser local address 
Nechaev, Andrey WK Schmeiser local address 
Neumann, Lukas WK Schmeiser local address 
Spanuth, Thomas Databases and Ontologies in Advanced Information Systems (2009) local address 
Sparber, Christof WK Schmeiser local address 
Stimming, Hans Peter START Mauser and WK Schmeiser local address 
Strasser, Eva WITTGENSTEIN Schachermayer local address 
Viertl, Nikolaus WK Schmeiser local address 

Master students

Biely, Martin START Schmid local address 
Delacour, Julia 100% Co-funding , Models in Biology and Medicine (2016/2017) local address 
100% Co-funding , Models in Biology and Medicine (2016/2017) local address 
Stimming, Caroline Scientific Computing and Machine Learning (2024/2025) local address 
Stratil, Hannes START Schmid local address 

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